by Anișoara Roșca | Oct 27, 2021 | Career Development
Reading Time: 4 minutes If someone had told me many years ago that the first love is not necessarily the only one (in my case, it was the Law and it happened very early, giving me my first thrills when 4 or 5 years old, ever since my first “working” visits to the...
by Anișoara Roșca | Sep 27, 2021 | Career Development, Romanian Blog
Reading Time: 4 minutes Dacă mi-ar fi spus cineva acum mulţi ani ca prima mare dragoste nu e obligatoriu şi singura (în cazul meu, a fost Dreptul şi s-a întamplat foarte devreme, primii fiori simţindu-i de la vârsta de 4-5 ani, încă de la primele mele vizite „de...
by Anișoara Roșca | Sep 27, 2021 | Career Development, Romanian Blog
Reading Time: 3 minutes Suntem în era vitezei, a schimbărilor tehnologice amețitoare, a produselor instant, a trăirilor aici și acum. Trebuie sa ținem pasul cu noile tehnologii SMART, care avansează într-un ritm debordant, și să ne schimbam modul în care...
by Anișoara Roșca | Aug 6, 2021 | Learning
Reading Time: 4 minutes Whenever someone asked me: Are you ready? I don’t think I have ever answered: No. Just give me a few more minutes, or… few more years, maybe. And, trust me, I would have so wanted to use the latter option at the dentist. My go-to answer...
by Anișoara Roșca | May 9, 2021 | Grow Your Story, Leadership, Learning
Reading Time: 4 minutes “It has to be perfect!”, he said. “You know the analysis is for the Board Meeting tomorrow and you have not sent me your data in the format I have requested you to. Why are these columns green when the profits are not there yet? And...