Grow your story
We deliver professional coaching services, based on International Coaching Federation’s up to date professional coaching standards, practices and techniques, latest leadership practices and behavioural design research, along with our organizational acumen, to people that want to grow and organizations that aim to transform themselves and function at their growing edge.
by Anișoara Roșca
With 16+ years of organizational experience, we work with leaders or aspiring leaders, corporate or non-corporate individuals, delivering one-on-one coaching sessions, across the globe, online or in-person, presently being based in Bucharest, Romania.
Nuggets of my journey
Hi! I’m Ani! Here are few nuggets of my journey for you to be able to get to know me:
Sharing my knowledge with others and nurturing people’s growth.
To authentically inspire and support people’s growth.
A step in… to step out. And vice versa.
An inner leadership working journey.
Get Inspired
Declaration of love or Why I love recruiting
Recruiting allowed me to meet smart and beautiful people, professionals who inspire you with the passion and the joy you can read in their eyes when they share with you their story of building themselves or of building others day after day.
Declaraţie de dragoste sau de ce iubesc recrutarea
Recrutarea mi-a dat şansa să întâlnesc oameni frumoşi şi deştepţi, profesionişti care te inspiră prin pasiunea şi bucuria ce li se citeşte în ochi atunci când iţi vorbesc despre cum se construiesc pe ei înşişi şi pe alţii, zi de zi.
Cariera e un maraton sau un sprint?
Trăim în era competiției globale a ideilor și a talentelor și, pentru a ne atinge obiectivele, trebuie sa învățăm în fiecare zi să devenim cea mai buna versiune a noastră.