Do you know those days when you need to make a decision? And no, I don’t mean choosing between that white shirt and that blue one. … Well, just to keep up with the times, I meant that half-pyjama, half-shirt outfit, or not.
You know, those days when you really need to make a decision: whether to take that new job or not, whether to resign and start your own business you always wanted to start, or, maybe, just ʺgo wildʺ and take a sabbatical, whether to invest more time and money into building new professional skills or go back to the university and… you are already in your 40s, or even whether to have that meaningful discussion with your boss or that difficult peer, clearly expressing your expectations in a constructive, yet powerful way.
We take tens of decisions every day, but sometimes, to move forward, we need more than just a list of pros and cons or our strong gut feeling or that coin-flipping or… SWAT analysis, or maybe, our close friends and family, that can support us with their advice, coming from their own experience.
Sometimes, after sitting on it for a while and doing all the above, or, maybe, none of them, we might need to have a conversation with ourselves, but, this time, with someone else putting the questions. And this is something coaching can do.
Let me take a short pause and be very specific here. We can make our own decisions based on our own experience and judgement, and we can be really good at it. Absolutely. There is no doubt about that. We are fully equipped with wings to fly, but sometimes we need or… we choose to need more wind beneath them.
So, what can coaching do for us, then? Well, more than one thing, but, to name a few, here we go. Coaching can:
- Help us change our perspective or those colours we typically use when we ʺpaintʺ our story.
- Give us space to mentally explore more than those two options that we initially thought we had. Sometimes we discover we have a coin that looks more like a die.
- Allow us to ʺtravel in timeʺ, by accessing the resources from the past and the yet-unexploited potential from the future. It usually ends with: “Why didn’t I think of that before?”
- Extend the limits of the present and create a new movie where everything can be possible or… vice versa. I know. I don’t like the vice-versa movie either, but it’s so useful to mentally rehearse it sometimes.
- Guide us in having imaginary trips into the future and discuss with our inner wiser selves. A bit of sharing here… that’s my favourite one. Now and then, a conversation with our older self can be eye-opening.
- Support us into better listening to our inner voices and, sometimes, in writing new lyrics for them.
- Challenge us to stretch our convictions to increase awareness and growth.
- Enable us to explore our resources and take those small steps… or bigger ones, you know, steps that we are ready to take on our way onward.
So, what is the trick then? No trick. OK. Maybe there is one I ʺforgotʺ to mention you.
See the bullets above? That is something you are doing it, yourself, with the guidance of a coach. … There is so much more where this came from as this is just a peek into the ʺcoaching toolboxʺ. And it’s all there to support you if you choose it.
As I said, it is just a matter of choice: we can make the call ourselves, sometimes, flip a coin or… we might choose to need more wind beneath our wings.
So, what colour will it be for you today?
Photo credit: Unsplash