by Anișoara Roșca | May 9, 2021 | Grow Your Story, Leadership, Learning
Reading Time: 4 minutes “It has to be perfect!”, he said. “You know the analysis is for the Board Meeting tomorrow and you have not sent me your data in the format I have requested you to. Why are these columns green when the profits are not there yet? And...
by Anișoara Roșca | Apr 3, 2021 | Grow Your Story, Rethinking
Reading Time: 3 minutes Once upon a time… well, it might have been yesterday, as well… there was a young man who had two friends. Their names were WHAT and WHO. One day, the young man decided to build his own business. He wanted to bake bread. He knew his...
by Anișoara Roșca | Mar 24, 2021 | Grow Your Story, Rethinking
Reading Time: 4 minutes One day, not that long ago, two friends decided to go on a mountain trip to “Make-A-Difference” land. It was a far, far away land, almost close to the top of a mountain. They both knew they wanted to get there, although none of them...
by Anișoara Roșca | Sep 23, 2020 | Career Development, Learning
Reading Time: 3 minutes We live in the age of speed, of mind-blowing technological changes, of instant products, of instant experiences and if we want to remain in the race we have to be smart enough to keep up with new SMART technologies that are developed in an...
by Anișoara Roșca | Jan 23, 2020 | Learning
Reading Time: 3 minutes Do you know those days when you need to make a decision? And no, I don’t mean choosing between that white shirt and that blue one. … Well, just to keep up with the times, I meant that half-pyjama, half-shirt outfit, or not. You...