The story of WHAT and WHO

The story of WHAT and WHO

  Once upon a time… well, it might have been yesterday, as well… there was a young man who had two friends. Their names were WHAT and WHO.  One day, the young man decided to build his own business. He wanted to bake bread. He knew his friend WHAT has set up his...
A journey to “Make-A-Difference” land 

A journey to “Make-A-Difference” land 

  One day, not that long ago, two friends decided to go on a mountain trip to “Make-A-Difference” land. It was a far, far away land, almost close to the top of a mountain. They both knew they wanted to get there, although none of them quite knew how to do that....
Inner dialogue – What’s coaching?

Inner dialogue – What’s coaching?

  Coach-to-be…Me: “Make a wish, then make it happen.” Me: “So, where might the coaching help me?” Coach-to-be…Me: “Right in the middle…hmm…or at the beginning…or the end…or afterwards. You got the idea. It really depends...